
We’ve Got ALL The Corned Beef + Whiskey | St. Patrick’s Day

It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day and boy do we have a ton of rad stuff planned for local foodies.

We have 3 amazing specials available now through Thursday, 3/17— including Corned Beef & Cabbage Pho, Lamb Shepard’s Pie, and Bangers & Mash.

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We also have a cocktail that’s a really sweet (and boozy!) twist on a traditional Irish coffee. Because we live in such a warm climate, it only made sense to our Mixologist and General Manager, Morgan Zuch to make “Dublin Calling” with house-made cold brew coffee. Another extremely bright idea Morgan had was to make the whipped cream not just from scratch, but with a Guinness and Bailey’s Irish Cream reduction. It’s really, really, really good. Enjoy between and now Thursday, 3/17.

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On The big day that is St. Patrick’s Day we’ll be serving up GREEN Harp’s Lager for $4. That is, unless you’re a redhead, in which case your green beer is only $3.


From 6 to 9 p.m. we’re hosting a Ginger Meetup & Cabbage Toss game with Ginger Beard Coffee. You could win 1 of 8 foodie prizes, including a green doughnut from Dough, a pint of green beer, a cold brew coffee from Ginger Beard Coffee, an appetizer at Datz, and more!

See you on St. Patrick’s Day!

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Foodie Alert: Tampa Bay Eats Out


We love Tampa, and we REALLY love when other foodies do, too. So when we started reaching out to locals whose tastebuds we admired, of course Kiera Andrews from Tampa Bay Eats Out came to mind. We hope you enjoy her recommendations– our foodie bucket list has DEFINITELY gotten a bit longer after getting to know TBEO. And if you’re looking to add even more to your tasty list, be sure to head over to TBEO’s Instagram page where you can find delicious food and drink ideas that are right around the corner. Cheers!

Tell us about yourself! What do you do and what are 3 words you’d use to describe yourself.

I moved to Tampa in 2010 for school and fell in the love with the area. I now work in Advertising and enjoy long walks on Bayshore with my dog, craft beer and exploring our amazing city. Three words I would use to describe myself: adventurous, curious and hungry.

What made you start Tampa Bay Eats Out? Have you made a lot of foodie friends (share a few Instagram handles if you can)?

Well, I love to eat and I love to discover new places to eat. I had been following some foodie accounts throughout the country but saw the opportunity to start one in Tampa Bay and share the amazing (and growing) food community that we have here. A flaw I saw in some other foodie accounts was that they didn’t describe what the dish was or tell where it could be found- I’ve made sure I do both of these to the best of my ability so my followers can easily tell what the dish is and where they can try it for themselves! Some other great Instagram handles I love seeing foodie photos from are @thisjenngirl, @nhietampa, @officialfoodgroup and @eattampa!

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What’s the best food you’ve discovered from TBEO?

This is hard. Really hard. But I think I would have to go with the St. Petersburger at Locale  Market. Grilled Mushrooms, caramelized onions and gouda cheese- can’t go wrong with that combo!

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How about the best cocktail?

The Michelada at Red Mesa Cantina! Not only is it gorgeous to photograph but it’s also extremely refreshing on a hot day- and a great hangover cure.

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Best dessert?

I LOVE dessert so I can’t just name one. Cannoli’s from Bavaro’s and the Strawberry Stuffed Amish Donut at the Strawberry Festival!

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What’s your favorite food on the Datz menu? 

I can’t just pick one thing! The Lemon Poppyseed Pancakes for brunch and the Buffalo Cauliflower at dinner are both amazing. I am also obsessed with the Creme Brûlée doughnut from Dough.

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What’s your favorite food and why is it your favorite?

Crawfish Étouffée! My family is from Louisiana so I grew up eating this whenever I went to visit my grandparents. Every time I go to Louisiana, I eat it once a day. I also get it *almost* every time I go to Roux.

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Share a food with us that you’ve seen on the internet and would love to try.

A @blacktapnyc milkshake. I think if there was anywhere in Tampa that could pull it off it would be Datz/Dough (hint, hint)!!

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What do you think about Tampa’s food scene?

It is growing like crazy. I love all the new restaurants (and food trucks!) popping up throughout the Tampa Bay area, especially the ones focusing on local Florida ingredients and cuisine, like Ulele. We also have some great staples that provide consistent, delicious food. I also love the fact that there is such a variety of restaurants, there really is something for everyone for any occasion.

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What’s another city’s food scene would you like to try?

There are many, but San Fransisco and DC are probably the top 2.

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What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever eaten?

That probably depends who you ask but most people would probably agree with escargot. As long as you don’t picture the snails when you’re eating it, it is actually quite tasty!

What’s your best advice on how to adult?

Live life to the fullest, don’t count calories!


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Foodie Alert: Jacqueline Luhrs of Life Simplified

Photo by Angel He
Photo by Angel He

Meet Jacqueline Luhrs! She’s one of our favorite local foodies AND our Monday Motivation. She’s a professional athlete, dancer, & owns her own company. Not only does she split her time between Tampa and L.A., but she also has lots of tips on how to keep the balance between your health and your foodie needs. Take it away, Jacqueline!

Tell us about yourself! What do you do and what are 3 words you’d use to describe yourself.

Well, I’m not originally from Tampa. I grew up in the Midwest and attended the University of Nebraska-Omaha where I studied marketing and management. I’ve lived in Los Angeles two different times where I danced professionally. I moved to Tampa in 2010 for my husbands job. He is the sports dietician for the Bucs and assists with strength and conditioning. We’re both active and love working out. I’ve done a few WBFF fitness competitions and became a pro bikini competitor in June of 2015. I’ve always been entrepreneurial and knew growing up I wanted to have my own business. I have many interests and hobbies and as I’ve become an adult I’ve realized two things I really love that will never go out of style or get old are health & wellness and helping people.  That’s how my business Life Simplified came about. If I had to describe myself in three words I would say I’m ambitious, independent and caring. If you were to see me around South Tampa chances are I would be wearing workout clothes, drinking coffee with friends, eating a healthy meal and on my phone or iPad doing work for Life Simplified.


When did you start thinking about your health and how have your eating and fitness habits changed since then?

I’ve always been athletic and grew up playing sports and dancing. I danced in college and we competed nationally (yes, like the stuff you see on ESPN), but throughout all of that my main concern wasn’t health, it was just to be thin and look the part. I really got serious about health and wellness when I was doing intense dance training in the hopes of getting picked up by an agent in Los Angeles. It was during that time I really changed my mentality and thought process surrounding food and health in general. I became educated on using nutrition and strength training as a tool to enhance my abilities. I can truly say I became a better dancer and athlete in my late 20’s than I was in college because I came to understand the importance of keeping a healthy body. I now consistently weight train and do various types of cardio. I’m aware of what foods to eat and how different types of foods affect my performance and aesthetic look.


Do you have “cheat days”? If so, how often and how do you recoup after?

Yes! I definitely have “cheat days” (Datz is a good place for that, haha!). I tend to eat pretty clean Monday-Friday and leave the weekends to be more free. I’ll have one or two “cheat” meals throughout the weekend and then jump back on clean eating for Monday.


Tell us about splitting your time between LA and Tampa. How do you keep balance in your life? 

Finding the right balance in work and personal life is always tricky. There was a period of time I was in L.A. pretty much full time and only came back to Tampa occasionally. That’s when my main focus was dance so living in L.A. made sense because that’s where my agent, auditions and bookings were. Now that my main focus is Life Simplified, I’m able to spend most of my time in Tampa and only travel back to L.A. when I need to. I have clients in L.A. and I’m still involved with dance there, but now I have more control over my schedule and the projects I want to be involved with so I’m able to have a good balance.

What advice do you have for people who are just starting to change their eating and fitness habits?

My first bit of advice would be to set realistic goals for yourself. Making and conquering small goals is how you ultimately fulfill your ultimate goal, whatever it may be; losing 20lbs, toning up, doing a fitness competition, etc. The second bit of advice I would give is don’t compare yourself to others. That is a dangerous place to be and is the fastest way to derail you and discourage you from remembering this is YOUR unique journey. And the last thing I would say is DON’T QUIT! If you’ve made a goal to live a healthier lifestyle and want to see results all you have to do is stay consistent, day after day, week after week.


What are some health or fitness mistakes you’ve made in your path as a professional athlete and dancer?

If I had any regrets with health and fitness it would just be that I didn’t take it more serious earlier in my life. I wasn’t educated enough to understand how much of an edge eating and working out properly could give me. I think it’s great social media has such a strong presence now with fitness motivation and education. It’s hard to deny the amazing results you see from everyday people that set a goal for themselves and use proper nutrition and workouts to achieve it.


What’s your absolute favorite food to cheat with?

I love pizza!! And I love cake! So basically I’m saying if you invite me to your kids birthday party I would be in heaven! haha. But seriously, Papa Johns and a Publix cupcake are my go-to’s for an actual “cheat meal.”

How about cheat cocktail? 🙂

I love a good Sunday brunch (insert Datz again!), so a bloody mary or mimosa would definitely be on the menu.




What do you hope to achieve in 2016 for yourself and your company, Life Simplified?

Life Simplified is growing in an amazing way! I’m so thankful and humbled when my clients contact me and say how easy it is to achieve their goals or how much time they’ve saved in their week by using Life Simplified.  I have an amazing team of people working with me that are helping take the business to a new level. In 2016 we’ll be adding a more refined door to door concierge delivery service along with adding fresh juices and a new menu of plant based raw food items.

As for me, I’ll be competing in a pro bikini competition in L.A. at the end of April (I always have to have some sort of fitness goal!). I’ll be working a lot on Life Simplified and taking care of my clients to ensure they keep up their motivation and achieve their goals for 2016!

Photo by Angel He
Photo by Angel He

Follow Jacqueline on Instagram and check out her company here.

Photo by Angel He
Photo by Angel He

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Funky Buddha & Dogfish Head Releases

Are you ready for Tampa Bay Beer Week?? It’s finally here! Come and see us on Friday, March 11 and Sunday, March 13 for two amazing craft beer events you won’t find anywhere else.


Come and see us on Friday, March 11 for the “Romantic Chemistry” release party at 6 p.m.! Be one of the first to try this new craft beer by Dogfish Head. Romantic Chemistry is an IPA made with mango, apricots, and ginger. We’ll also have “Some Beer to Drink Music To”, which is a Belgian-style Trippel.




Join us on Sunday, March 13 at 11 a.m. for a special release of Funky Buddha’s Chocwork Orange Milk Porter and Last Snow Porter on DRAFT!

There are only 6 kegs of Chocwork Orange in Florida at this very moment and Datz has one of them! How’s that for a golden ticket??

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, quiz



Last Snow is a coconut & coffee porter that can be hard to find in general, but it’s especially rare on draft.


We’ll also have Blueberry Cobbler, Florida Hefeweizen, Bonita Applebum, AND Cow Tipa by Funky Buddha. Blueberry Cobbler is made with real blueberries, which in turn makes this cinnamon and vanilla-infused ale a rich purple color.


If you’re looking to enjoy some brews by Funky Buddha and enjoy brunch, be sure to text ahead– text Datz to 626-414-3210. See you then!

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Foodie Alert: Jared Dey of Hot 101.5

Tell us about yourself! What do you do and what are 3 words you’d use to describe yourself.

My name is Jared Dey, I’m 26 and I am the executive producer of The Miguel Show on Hot 101.5 here in Tampa. Hmm 3 words that’s tough I’d say 1. – Perfectionist, 2. – Focused, 3. – Quick Witted (or at least I try to be).

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What do you love about working at Hot 101.5 and The Miguel Show?

The thing I love the most has to be the interaction with the people that listen to us. I think that was the thing that got me hooked on radio and it’s the reason I do it. I like to make people laugh or feel happy on their way to work.

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What’s a typical day look like for you? What do you do to make it to Friday?

It’s anything but typical at times. I usually wake up at 4am, try not to fight the snooze button and get to work at 5am. Start working on the show right away and go on air at 6am. The show wraps up about 10am and I’m like a zombie and not the fun Walking Dead kind. So after a nap I’ll start getting the show ready for the next day and then just watch tv till I go to sleep around 10pm. It’s Work. Work. Work. everyday.

To make it to Friday, I usually find a lot a lot of bliss in watching sports or listening to all different kinds of music. It takes the focus off.

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What’s the first concert you ever saw?

My dad probably took me to a concert here or there as a young kid but I can’t remember them. So it would be Linkin Park at the USF Sun Dome, I was in middle school at the time. Still remember that show like it happened yesterday.

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What’s your favorite food and why is it your favorite?

Even though I notoriously love nachos, I would have to say it’s Seafood Fra Diavolo. There’s something you gotta love about a great pasta dish topped with lobster, shrimp, scallops, mussels, and clams (Go big or go home right) in a crazy spicy sauce.

It’s the best of everything to me. You get the pasta, you get seafood, and a massive amount of flavor from the sauce.

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Share a food with us that you’ve seen on the internet and would love to try.

It might sound strange, because it’s not that out of the box but it’s Poutine. It looks awesome and being a hockey fan a food made famous by our brothers to the north is something I’d love to try.

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So we hear you’re not originally from Tampa! What made you come to Tampa?

Wow! You guys really did your research on me. 😉 That’s right, I’m not. I was born in Long Island, New York but raised just outside of Atlanta, Georgia with some time in Las Vegas as well before coming here. Like so many, my grandparents moved here and my family eventually followed them down to Tampa.

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How do you feel about Tampa’s live music scene?

I love it! Tampa is a hot bed for live music. It doesn’t matter what genre you like the most there’s a little something for everyone here. And not to mention many big named artist have been coming through a lot recently.

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How about Tampa Bay’s food scene?

I love music but…. I love food more. And I have to say out of everywhere I’ve lived Tampa’s food scene to me is one of the best. If there is something special you want someone in Bay Area has it. Just look at downtown St. Petersburg where I live you could walk down Central Ave and it’s plethora of flavors and options.

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What’s your best advice on how to Adult?

Can I say “Don’t” lol. Being an adult is too much at times but hey if you gotta do it enjoy it as much as you can with some Datz or Dough.

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Follow Jared on Twitter and Instagram and listen to The Miguel Show here on weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m.


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Salad Showdown with Organicgirl

There’s nothing more true than our love for bacon— but we also love GREENS. Which is why we’re hosting a fun competition with Organicgirl and Tampa Bay Bloggers on Tuesday, March 15 for local bloggers creating original salad recipes inspired by Organicgirl greens and salad dressings.

Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 3.46.50 PMScreen Shot 2016-02-24 at 3.49.40 PM7 bloggers will compete for glory, bragging rights, a year’s worth of Organicgirl products and $100. The judges will select their favorite based on taste, creativity, and the bloggers’ ability to follow the guidelines of the competition. The judges are Suzanne Perry, Co-owner of Datz; Datz Executive Chef, Keith Williamson; Studio 10 Live Host, Stephanie Webb; a representative from Organicgirl; and finally one lucky contest winner!

Foodies interested in being a guest judge for this competition can enter here.

793891_bfa3e1af1134be57d1d71babd2cbd306Each of the competing bloggers will have 30 minutes to prepare his or her recipe, in traditional Chopped style. The winning recipe will be featured in a live demonstration the following morning on Studio 10 Live.

Stay tuned for the competition’s live feed on Twitter! #GetUrGreenOn

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, foodies!

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Enjoying Hard Soda Isn’t Hard

Have you ever tried hard soda?? It’s all the rage these days and you can try the BEST of them at Datz.

Small Town Brewery, based in Wauconda, Illinois, is one of the leading hard soda breweries in the country and we’re proud to carry their stellar 5.9% ABV hard root beer.



Small Town Brewery also has a VERY unique story on the origin of their recipes. The Head Brewer and Founder, Tim Kovac’s great-great-grandfather was a ship captain and a gambler who by chance, won a brewery in the 1600’s in a card game— and the rest is history!



NYFR_Blog weighs in on Not Your Father’s Root Beer:

Not Your Father’s Root Beer (5.9% ABV). Label: “Natural vanilla extract, other natural and artificial flavors and caramel color.” Not as strong a root beer taste as  Coney Island, but overall more pleasing.

Winner: Not Your Father’s Root Beer. The most popular hard root beer is also the best.”

Try this rad hard soda on tap today.

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Roses are Red, Scotch is Good…..


…..And so is chocolate.

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World famous William Dean Chocolate in limited edition heart-shaped boxes for your Valentine are available while supplies last.  Need a little more love?  Red Velvet ice cream, Conversation Heart cupcakes and more are waiting to sweeten your day.

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Pick up your Valentine’s gifts and treats at Datz and Dough and have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Need something sassier? Special edition cocktail “Roses are Red, Scotch is Good” has debuted at Datz and it is the life & love of the party. Monkey Shoulder Blended Scotch, Hibiscus, Giffard Madagascar Vanilla and more are carefully combined and garnished with an edible rose for you to sip and enjoy.

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Two Cocktails for Every Foodie

“Two cocktails for every foodie”— that’s how the Beach Boys song goes, right? RIGHT. We have  a bunch of new cocktails that’ll make your boozy heart very happy. They’re available NOW and below are some photos and descriptions that’ll hopefully help you narrow down your choice. But you do know you can have more than one, right? RIGHT.

See you soon, foodie!

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Dirty Pirate Booty

Siesta Key Silver, Ron Cartavio Gold, Giffard Banane du Bresil, lemon, cinnamon, mace, tiki bitters. Served in a zombie pirate mug with a sword! AARRGH!

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Roses are Red, Scotch is Good

Monkey Shoulder Blended Scotch, Hibiscus, Giffard Madagascar Vanilla, raspberries, lime, rosewater, Pakistan rosebuds.

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Salty Datz

Square One Botanical Vodka, Pamplemousse, grapefruit, rosemary, rose wine, vanilla salt.

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Not Your Grandma’s Trip to Mexico

Tanteo Jalapeño Tequila, Montelobos Mezcal, lime, hickory, white pepper, chile, cilantro.

Rebel’s Brunch

High West American Prairie Bourbon, maple, lemon, champagne, orange peel, orange juice.

Dunk This Donut

Wild Turkey Rye, Grind Espresso Shot liqueur, cold brew, black walnut bitters, powdered donut.

National Cheat Day is Your New Favorite Holiday

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Join us for NATIONAL CHEAT DAY, tomorrow (Jan. 28) for food and fun!

It’s our birthday and we’ll start a foodie holiday it we want to. Enjoy complimentary appetizer samples (Tempura Reuben Roll or Mac Bites), mini cocktails (Datz-A-Mary Bloody Mary or V-Day cocktail), ice cream (house-made at Dough), AND entertainment!

EAT Appetizer Samples at Datz & House-made Ice Cream at Dough

DRINK Mini Cocktails at Datz

SNAP a Pic in the Photo Booth by Premier Photo Booths of Tampa

WIN Swag from the Creative Loafing Street Team

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Tempura Reuben Roll – NEW menu time. Sample this appetizer OR our tasty Mac Bites pictured below!


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The Cheesy Todd– our mascot and the most interesting burger in the world. Well, at least WE think so!

Our foodie mayor, Bob Buckhorn has also officially proclaimed Jan. 28 to be “National Cheat Day” in Tampa!

We hope to see you tomorrow, Jan. 28 for our birthday and NEW foodie holiday. Samples at Datz begin at 11 AM. Foodies can receive a complimentary scoop of ice cream at Dough beginning at 7 AM. All samples are while supplies last. The photo booth and swag table will be available from 11 AM to 3 PM.

However, you can celebrate NATIONAL CHEAT DAY from ANYWHERE. So show us what you’re cheating with using the hashtag #NationalCheatDay. We can’t wait to see!

Special thanks to all our partners: Creative Loafing, Visit Tampa Bay, Yelp, Tampa Bay Bloggers, Three Chairs Productions, 813 Area, Hyde Park Village, 97X, Hot 101.5, Joffrey’s Coffee, The Refinery, Fodder & Shine, I Love The Burg, and That’s So Tampa.